Depending on your location, summer can be a sweltering occasion with a few downsides aside from merely the heat. One thing that is assured is the electricity will be working somewhat harder, particularly in keeping the home cooler.
Employing the services of a well-qualified Charlotte electricians to educate you on how to become more energy efficient in your household will allow you to enjoy air conditioning without being saddled with tremendous utility costs.
The professional can further show you methods for keeping the heat out to reduce the burden on the A/C system.
It does not require a great deal of effort to make changes. Still, these differences can significantly affect the amount of energy you use plus result in substantial cost savings on your utility bills. Let us look at what you can do to see this outcome.
What Tips Would a Charlotte Electrician Offer on Conserving Electricity in The Summer?
When the summer sun creates intense heat in the Charlotte area, most people rely on air conditioning to keep them comfortable and safe from sweltering temperatures. It is common for people to expect a little too much from the unit, causing an increase in their electricity costs.
In an effort to conserve energy, consumers can employ the services of a qualified Charlotte electrician to come to do a walk-through with the homeowner to show where there is electricity waste in each room and how this can be avoided.
The professional can also advise ways to keep the heat out of the house, so the A/C unit does not need to work so hard to cool the space. Learn ways to save electricity at https://www.wikihow.com/Save-Electricity/ and then check out a few tips your electrician might advise for conserving.
● The AC filter needs to be changed
A common home maintenance task that tends to get neglected is changing out the air conditioning filter. When these become clogged, the A/C is challenged to exert more energy in an effort to generate cool air throughout the household.
With regular filter changes, there is much more efficiency in the system. You receive cool air with minimal effort and fewer electricity costs. The suggestion is that the filter is changed roughly every 30 days but checked more frequently if you live in a higher pollution area or if the home is susceptible to pet dander or allergens.
● Check your power strips
A suggestion for homeowners is to look at the small appliances in the home to see if these comprise a transformer. If so, they should not be plugged into a wall outlet. A transformer will show as a “black square on the end of a cord.”
When these are plugged in directly to the wall, the electricity will still generate even if the appliance is off, wasting energy and creating unnecessary charges on the electricity bill. These should be either unplugged each time you are through with the machine or use a power strip so you can simply turn the switch off when not in use.
● Conserving heat in the summertime
In the hottest part of the day, you want to avoid making the house even hotter which will, in turn, make the air conditioning exert even greater effort to try to push that heat out. If you need to wash a load of laundry and then dry the clothes or do some dishes and dry them in the dishwasher, time these activities appropriately.
Unless there is a physical incapacity disallowing the chore, washing the dishes by hand is ideal for the hot months. You can save some work by implementing paper and plastic products instead of standard dishware.
When washing laundry, the suggestion is to do so in the cold setting and in what is considered “off-peak” hours, usually between “7 pm and 9 pm or 10 am and 1 pm” during the week. The recommendation for drying laundry is to hang the clothes outside and let the fresh air dry them naturally.
By using these methods to keep heat out of the house, you are also conserving a tremendous amount of electricity which will show brilliantly on your utility costs. Click here for details on how to lower your electricity bill.

● Light bulbs are a quick fix
For a quick change that will save money and conserve almost instantly, purchase energy-efficient light bulbs. These boast the capacity to last longer, use fewer watts, and generate less heat than the traditional light bulbs.
Final Thought
Most people hope to always find the most energy-efficient way to run their household, but particularly during the summer and winter months when air conditioning and heating are necessary.
With guidance from a trusted Charlotte electrician, you can make a few minor day-to-day changes that will not only conserve electricity but save tremendously on utility costs.