According to Mark Roemer Oakland, bathrooms are constantly exposed to all kinds of filth and the humid environment makes the grime even grimier. Over time, the grime accumulates on your tiles and makes them look awful. Let’s check out how you can make your bathroom tiles look their very best.
The Explanation
1. Deep clean your tiles – Deep cleaning your tiles can give them a makeover and a strikingly different appearance than their current condition. If you don’t have time to deep clean your tiles, you can hire professional cleaning services once a year to get your tiles deep cleaned. To do it yourself, you need to soak the tiles in hot water for a few minutes before you proceed to scrub them.
Next, get a medium-stiff scrubber and start getting rid of the grime by applying detergents from the supermarket or using a paste made from baking powder and vinegar. If you’re using the latter option, sprinkle baking powder on the tiles, let it sit for a while, and then pour boiling vinegar over it. The resultant foam would loosen most of the grime and you’ll be able to scrub the tiles clean within a short time. If you have filthy grout, you may need to use a stiff-bristled toothbrush to get the job done.
2. Polish your tiles – If you’ve deep cleaned your tiles and they still look dull and unappealing, you can polish them to bring back their shine. It helps to remove soap scum and hard water that has penetrated into the pores of the tiles. Moreover, the polishing process is simple and cheaper than the next option.
Get a tile polishing solution from the supermarket or make your own natural solution by mixing hot vinegar with warm water. Now, use a mop to dip it into the solution and target each tile. Wipe continuously in circular motions till they get a glossy appearance. Next, buff the tile surfaces with a microfiber cloth.
3. Paint your tiles – Painting over your tiles is the last option to breathe new life into them. If this doesn’t do it for you, it’s time to think about replacing the existing tile with better options. Get tile paint of whatever color you want from the supermarket. Next, remove the grout with a grout removal saw.
Now remove the tiles and clean them thoroughly so that the paint can last as long as possible. Next, apply primer to the tiles and sand them. Repeat this process a couple of times before you paint the tiles. After painting your tiles with a couple or more coats of tile paint, put them back on the floor, re-grout them, and apply a final cleanup.
Mark Roemer Oakland suggests that you use the tips mentioned above to get your bathroom tiles to look their best. If your tiles look too dull, you can deep clean them or paint over them. If the tiles are clean enough, you can simply polish them to bring back their shine.